The Daviess County Commissioners spent time Monday discussing problems caused by drivers not obeying restrictions and substitute routes for the Odon-Cannelburg Road project. The road construction work is unnecessarily increasing traffic and dust on adjoining gravel roads. As a safety measure, and to protect some businesses from the dust, the Highway Department will provide dust control in those designated areas at a cost of about $50,000. Some roads will need to be improved before the dust control is administered.
Another step was taken to get the Daviess County Courthouse in compliance with mandated updates to the elevator was taken Monday. County Commissioners agreed to sign a contract with Indy Elevator. Building and Grounds Supervisor, Scott Schnarr sais the copany presente the lowest bid and had a good service record with local businesses.
With title to four excess land tracts received from INDOT, the Commissioners agreed to formally transfer three of the excess tracts to the Daviess County Economic Redevelopment Foundation for business and industrial development purposes. The fourth tract will be retained be the county for wetland mitigation purposes.