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Strategic planning meeting held for Pike County Schools

Over 150 people turned out for the Pike County School Board’s Strategic Planning Meeting Monday night.
School Board President David Waltz summed up what the night was about…

The school is facing some financial difficulties due to what has been described as overspending by a previous administration and also due to property tax loss resulting from property tax circuit breakers enacted by the state several years ago.  A referendum to raise property taxes to help the school system failed to pass in this months election.
However, Waltz says that last night’s session was not just about addressing finances…

The crowd heard from a consultant  John Siebert  who gave an overview of how to create a mission and vision statement and how to strategically plan for the future. After that, the crowd was broken up into groups to discuss and come up with what’s important to the students and community.
There’ve been task forces created which continue to meet and discuss the issues and ideas and they will meet again June 4th. In addition surveys handed out to the community are due to the school system by Friday.

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