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Arrests reported on Friday 5/22/15

34-year-old Brad Horn of Washington was arrested by State Police Thursday for a felony count of operating while intoxicated.  Bond was set at $2000 at the Daviess County Security Center.

52-year-old Barry Danford of Washington was picked up on an out of county warrant.  He was jailed without bond.

37-year-old Robert Hatfield of Elnora was served with a writ of attachment on Thursday.  Bond was set at $9000.

Washington Police arrested Jose, Revlorio-Flores of Washington for operating while never licensed.  Bond was set at $2000\

28-year-old Shane Elenbass of Hampton, Virginia was charged with disorderly conduct after a Washington City Police investigation on Thursday.  Bond was set at $2000
Jason Wingler, 40 of Washington was booked into the security center overnight on a charge of battery.  Bond was set at $2000.

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