The City of Washington and Daviess County have taken steps to comply with Title IV of the 1964 Civil Rights Act.
Title IV originally prohibited discrimination on the basis of race, religion, sex, or national origin. Through executive orders, two new categories have been added, sexual orientation and gender identity.
Chuck Martindale of Trans- Service Corporation told Washington’s Board of Public Works and Safety Monday night that the Federal Highway Administration is demanding that all cities receiving federal funds for public transportation have policies that comply with Title VI. The city of Washington has been complying with the original stipulations and last night the Board of Works agreed to implement the policy additions and have the non-discrimination policy posted on the city busses.
Also Daviess County Highway Superintendent Phil Cornelius Cornelius told the Daviess County Commissioners Monday about the change. He said that counties not complying would not be eligible to receive grants and funding for road projects.