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Appeal to be heard in railroad tie plant decision

Ribideau Farms, the subsidiary of National Salvage, is appealing the decision of the Daviess County Advisory Plan Commission to deny their application to rezoning an area in the northeastern  area of the county to industrial.  Ribideau Farms had planned to build a plant to manufacture railroad ties.  Daviess County Commissioners Pesident Michael Taylor announced at the commissioners meeting on Monday that area resident Doug Sims presented the Commissioners a petition from the area’s residents supporting the Plan Commission’s decision to reject the plan.  Taylor said the appeal would be heard by the County’s Board of Zoning Appeals at their next meeting.
In other business at the meeting
–The Daviess County Commissioners on Monday approved a Community Corrections Collaboration Plan presented by Diana Snyder and Beth O’Brien.  Snyder told the Commissioners the plan met requirements mandated by changes in state law.
–The Commissioners also gave permission to County Health Nurse Kathy Sullender to use Helmer, Inc. to inspect and calibrate the Health Departments refrigeration units, and gave permission to County Treasurer Elaine Wellman to use Thomson Reuters to print tax bills for 2016.
–The Commissioners also approved requests from the Sheriff’s Department and the Prosecutor’s office to issue county credit cards to more than one staff member.
–The Commissioners tabled two items dealing with the Courthouse skylight project.
Commissioners President Michael Taylor announced that Daviess County had been awarded a $400,000 OCRA grant from the Office of Community and Rural Affairs.  The funds will be geared to the courthouse ADA compliance project.

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