Washington Fire Dept. members, Captain Barry Andis and Lt. Dewayne Murphy recieve letters of commendation from the Washington Fire Chief. Police officers Collin Cornelius and Case Cummings were also honored for their actions int eh same incident earlier this month.
Washington Police Officers Collin Cornelius and Case Cummings, and Washington Firefighters, Capt. Barry Andis and Lt. DeWayne Murphy were presented special letters of commendation at Monday night’s City Council meeting. The commendations are for their life saving actions at a house fire on West Walnut in the early morning hours of Friday, December 4.
Cornelius and Cummings were the first to arrive at the burning house and risked their own safety to awaken the seven residents of the two apartments. Andis and Murphy rescued three of the victims from the porch roof of the burning house. Standing before the Mayor and City Council, and a full audience in the Council Chambers, the four men heard Police Chief Mike Healey and Fire Chief David Rhoads officially read the commendations