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Washington City officials met Monday night

City looking at refinancing sewer bonds to save money…also a contract has been awarded to demolish almost a dozen unused properties…

At a regular Washington City Council meeting Monday night, the council heard a suggestion on how to save the City several hundred-thousand dollars.  After the meeting Mayor Wellman explained the proposal.

Umbaugh and Associates representative Deen Rogers was told to begin the refinancing process.
In other action last night, due to a State requirement, an ordinance establishing a policy for reporting discrepancies and shortfalls in material or money to the State Board of Accounts was introduced.  Both Mayor Joe Wellman and Clerk Treasurer Beth McGookey told the Council that there were not any discrepancies but that the State was requiring the establishment of a written policy.  After hearing suggestions from the council, City Attorney Tim Dant will present a policy for Council action at the next meeting.  

As a result of action by the Board of Works and Safety Washington Mayor Joe Wellman says ridding the city of dilapidated properties in the cities has taken another rstep forward.

The Board accepted City Engineer Ed Barnett’s recommendation and awarded the demolition contract to the low bidder, Robinson Construction of Vincennes.  Barnett said as part of the Blight Elimination Program, 11 unsafe and abandoned houses will be demolished.  The program provides state money to cities to pay for the work.

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