Barr Reeve receives four star status from the state….
Two Daviess County schools have been recognized by the State of Indiana as “Four Star Schools” for the 2014-15 school year.
Both Barr Reeve Elementary and Barr Reeve Middle High School have earned 4 star status through achievement on the ISTEP+ exam and by earning an “A” status during the year of the award.
Four Star schools are recognized for performing in the upper 25th percentile of schools in performance on ISTEP+.
Other schools in the area achieving 4 Star status include:
Flaget Elmentary
South Knox Elementary
Gibson Southern High School
Sullivan High School
In Dubois County there were several including:
Ireland Elementary
Jasper High School
Precious Blood School in Jasper
Cedar Crest Elementary in Huntingburg
Nancy Hanks Elementary in Ferdinand
Ferdinand Elementary
Pine Ridge Elementary in Birdseye
Forest Park Junior Senior High Schools