Bicknell Attorney Michael Owens updated members of the City Council on progress being made in tearing down blighted homes in the city.
Owens says of the 18 homes on the city’s original target list, eight have been torn down and two more are set to be demolished once the title work has cleared. He says they’ve been unable to gain title to the other 8 properties on their list because they’ve either been unable to locate the owner or tax liens placed on the properties make it cost prohibitive to acquire.
Bicknell received 415-thousand dollars through the state’s Blight Elimination Program to tear down homes that have fallen into disrepair. Once the houses are removed, Owens says the lots will be turned over to the Bicknell Bulldogs, a not-for-profit group who will maintain the properties for one year and then the lots can be resold and placed back on the city tax rolls.
Owens says they intend to go after other rundown properties around town. He says te state has extended the deadline for tearing the houses down until November.