If you don’t want to vote for Hillary Clinton and you can’t make yourself vote for Donald Trump, there is another choice-the Libertarian candidate.
Some Hoosier Libertarians want to make sure you know that option is available.
“You have two wildly unpopular choices for president, and if you’re ever going to look for a better option, this is the year,” said Brad Klopfenstein, former executive director for the Libertarian Party.
Libertarians say they believe in personal freedoms above politics.
“For anybody who’s a conservative and says, ‘I want to support Republicans’, we’ve got two, two-term Republican governors on our ticket,” said Klopfenstein.
They are Gary Johnson, former governor of New Mexico, and Bill Weld, former governor of Massachusetts.
Wednesday night, CNN will host a Town Hall with the two in New York City.
“I believe in the adage that you’re throwing your vote away when you vote for somebody you don’t believe in,” said Chris Mayo, with the Marion County Libertarian Party. He was addressing a common concern.
“Right now I can tell you I’m throwing my vote away if I go vote for Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump. I don’t believe in them.”
He said if Johnson gets to 15 percent in national polls, he’ll get to be on the debate stage with Trump and Clinton. Right now, Johnson is at 13 percent.
Klopfenstein said he believes a win, even for president, is not a far-fetched idea.
“Some people believe that we cannot win. But, the fact is that in Indiana there are only three parties on the ballot. We can win elections. We’ve won elections in Indiana. We have a judge in Hagerstown. We have several town council people.”
Johnson says Libertarians are fiscally conservative and socially “don’t give a damn, as long as you don’t force your ‘whatever’ on anybody else”.
Anderson Cooper hosts the Town Hall. It will air on CNN and will be live streamed.