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City Council and Board of Works met Monday night…

City Council looks at the city budget to be adopted next month.

Prior to the city council meeting, Mayor Joe Wellman administered the oath of office to new City Councilman David Dahl, and to Diana Snyder who will take a seat on the Board of Public Works and Safety.  Dahl and Snyder fill seats left vacant when former councilman Jason Petty resigned when he moved from Washington.
mayor wellman swears in new officers
Meanwhile, Washington’s 2017 city budget was put before the City Council at Monday night’s meeting and Mayor Joe Wellman has good news for Washington residents residents. The proposed tax rate drops almost 14 cents to 2.06.  The city’s overall budget will total $9.8 million.  The council will take final action on the 2017 budget at its next meeting.
The city also renewed the joint School Resource Officer program with the Washington Community Schools.  Mayor Wellman talked about the officer working in Daviess County’s SRO program, one of the oldest in the state..

During the Board of Works meeting, Police Chief Todd Church proposed blocking off Main Street during this week’s drawing at the Knights of Columbus.  Church said officers blocked the street Friday night when people attending the drawing started setting up lawn chairs in the middle of the street.   While no one objected, Councilman Mike Singleton did make a request to the chief for officers to keep people with open containers of alcoholic beverages from sitting on the sidewalk next to the doors of the Indiana Theater.

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