The Barr Reeve Community School Corporation is looking at the needs and the costs associated with updating and maintaining the facilities they operate out of.
The Washington Times Herald reports that a recent study by architects has found that the HVAC system at the building with grades 2 through 12 has issues. Also the building is not ADA compliant and some electrical work needs done. The estimated cost is upward to $2.6 million according to school superintendent Travis Madison. Also there is talk of making the St. Peter’s Building, where kindergarten and 1st grade are located, more like the facility where grades 2 through 12 are. The corporation leases the St. Peter’s Building from the Evansville Diocese.
There was an open session held last night for the school board and the community to hear about the needs and the possible funding options that could be utilized the pay for updates and upgrades. Nothing has been decided and no action was taken on any of the matters at last night’s information session.