The Washington City Council passed an ordinance last night rezoning an acre of ground at the corner of Bedford Road and Parkdale from R-1 to R-2, allowing for the construction of two high-end duplexes on the property. The vote was 5-2 with Councilmen Chambers and Fleck opposed.
The Council also introduced an ordinance re-establishing the City’s Cumulative Capital Building Fund at 5-cents per $100 of assessed evaluation. The fund is used to pay for projects like paving streets and replacing sidewalks. City Clerk-Treasurer said the change would add about $7 to the taxes on a $200,000 home.
In a related matter, the Mayor discussed paving plans for this summer
The Mayor said that after this summer, all city streets rated 1 through 5 on the State’s 10-point scale will have been repaved over the past five years.