Area police officers and sheriff’s department members prepare for today’s Peace Officers Memorial in Washington
Washington Mayor Joe Wellman proclaimed today Peace Officer’s Memorial Day in Washington. The day is recognized nationally as a time to remember the police officers, firefighters and EMTs who’ve died in the line of duty. In Washington, a service was held at the courthouse.
As if it was written in the script, just as the service was about to start, there was an emergency call and some attending had to leave. As the memorial service went on, the sound of sirens filled the air.
Retired Washington Police Department Officer, Detective and former Chief Steve Riney says, thats the nature of the job…
Riney went on to says he’s pleased to see that emergency services are being recognized with all who serve their communities and nation every day…
Today was the 17th anniversary of the service on the steps of the Daviess County Courthouse which is put on by the local FOP. Also today the FOP announced their scholarship recipient and that was Ashley Alvarez of North Daviess High School who plans to pursue studies in law enforcement and criminal justice at IU.
The emergency police and firefighters were called to during yesterday’s Peace Officers Memorial service, was an accident at Walnut and northeast 7th. A motorist reported their brakes failed as they were behind a city bus. They served to miss the bus and hit a guardrail and the Volvo turned over. The driver wasn’t injured but was trapped and had to be freed by the fire department.