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Several positions approved by the Washington School Board

      The Washington School Board in a special meeting on Friday, approved the creation 10 non-certified positions related to the 21st Century CLC After-School Program at Lena Dunn Elementary.  Funding for the positions will come from Lena Dunn’s 21st Century Grant.  A related position of part-time secretary/teaching assistant/nursing assistant for the After-School program was also approved.

      The Board also filled five other non-certified positions in the corporation: Jerry Gottman as district mechanic; Jennifer Filangeri  as Jr. High/High School Secretary; and Noah Francis, Ethan Pierson, and Jaydon Mills as summer interns with the I-T Department.

       Also, Bobbi Carter was hired as an English teacher at Washington High School.  The Board also accepted the resignation of high school math teacher Jessica Hadley.



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