Numbers are decreasing slightly at the Washington Animal Shelter.
That’s according to a story in today’s Washington Times Herald. Animal control manager, Beth Trousdale, told the Times-Herald she thinks part of the reason for the decline is that more people are spaying or neutering their pets. In the last two years roughly 1,600 animals have passed through the doors of the city’s animal shelter off Cosby Road and many end up being euthanized.
Trousdale says cats are the biggest issue facing the shelter. She receives numerous complaints of feral cats getting into trash and says the feral cats drive up the number of euthanizations. Since many of the cats she sees are feral or sick they are unadoptable.
The shelter has had success with people adopting dogs so dogs are only euthanized if they are sick or vicious. The Shelter also works with Daviess County Friends for Animals to help find new homes for many of the animals.
Trousdale is quoted in the article saying, “You have to love animals to do this job. These animals feel like pets to me.”