A member of the Odon town council has informed the board that he intends to resign his position next month.
The Odon Journal reports that Ryan Klingle announced his decision at Monday night’s meeting. Klingle told the council he is buying a home outside the Odon town limits, a move that would result in his being ineligible to serve. Klingle, a reserve officer with the Odon police department, also is the owner of At Your Service Trash Disposal, a business he has operated since 2013. He was appointed to the position on the council in March of this year to fill the vacancy created by the resignation of Evan Meadows. The new vacancy will be filled by the other two remaining members, Chuck Krieg and Carol Kryder who will accept recommendation and conduct interviews as in the past.
Also, the Odon Journal reports the town has received correspondence from Indiana Railroad regarding an alley the town has maintained for decades. Citing Google Maps, the railroad says the alley is on railroad right of way and said action would be taken by the railroad within 60 days to “enforce our property rights, and either gate off or remove the undocumented roadway.” Two property owners could be adversely affected by the railroad company’s action. Town attorney Brandon Smith is reviewing the correspondence.