-A witness called the Sherriff’s Department just before 8-am on Sunday saying they saw a vehicle heading south on I69 at 59.5 and cross the median. It then went into the northbound lane at mile marker 59.5 and went into a ditch. One person was taken to the hospital.
-Police investigated a vandalism reported involving a broken house window on Northwest 13th.
-Police went to a report of a battery on Meridian Street on Saturday night. No charges were filed and no arrests were made.
-A theft of some tools and batteries was reported from a rural residence on Saturday.
-There were two car deer crashes reported on 257 Saturday night. One at just before 8-pm and another at 10:40-pm.
-No arrests reported in Daviess County Saturday night or Sunday.
-A Vincennes woman was jailed on drunk driving charges Sunday morning. 24-year-old Chesley Dunkin was arrested at 6th and St. Claire at 3:20am by Indiana State Police.
-Timothy Demoura was jailed in Knox County for Failure to Appear and Driving While Suspended. The 29 year old was booked in at 1:25-pm Saturday.