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Barr-Reeve Gets their Loan

           A year’s worth of work paid off as the Barr Reeve School Corporation has been awarded a $6 million loan in the form of Qualified Zone Academy Bonds, or QZAB funds.    The money is low or no interest loans which will be used to convert a gym in classrooms and upgrade HVAC systems at the school.  Other improvements are also envisioned.
          The Washington Times Herald reports that using QZAB money will mean the school will have to develop an Academy program and the money cannot be used for expanding the school’s footprint. The Barr-Reeve Board is also considering a $2 million bond issue that could take on any expansion needed at the building.
          There’ll be a public hearing next Tuesday to discuss the issue further and review its impact on tax rates.
          In other Barr- Reeve School happenings. They school is  hosting a short program in the high school gymnasium tomorrow (Thursdasy) at 8:30 AM in order to honor our students and teachers on the system’s recent designation as a National Blue Ribbon School.

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