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Seat Belts in Use in Loogootee Double Fatal

          All of those involved in a double fatal crash in Martin County Wednesday morning were wearing seat belts.
          The state police continue to investigate the crash that happened on US 231 2 miles north of Loogootee near West Boggs Lake at 8:20-am.    Indiana State Police say 60-year-old Kevin Sears of Odon was north in a ’02 Honda Civic and for unknown reasons veered into the southbound lane near Martin County Road 700-North.  He hit an ’08 Dodge Avenger driven by 29-year-old Zachary Greene of Loogootee head-on. 
          Sears was pronounced dead at the scene, Greene and a front seat passenger were taken to Memorial Hospital where Greene’s passenger died.  The deceased man’s name has still not been released.

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