Washington’s School Board took the next step in looking at ways to solve the overcrowding caused by a growing student population. The Board began investigating solutions earlier this year, and recently held five meetings throughout the community to hear patron concerns and suggestions. The Board directed Washington’s Superintendent, Dr. Dan Roach, to contact an architect to look at the expense and feasibility of several options. Several Board members voiced the need to get a financial picture of the various options based on the public’s input.
In other business, the Board approved a resolution to begin the process to potentially purchase property for a transportation facility.
The Board also heard from Rose Wilson who discussed proposed facility upgrades over the next year. Wilson said at Lena Dunn the parking lot is being enlarged to accommodate more bus traffic, and due to traffic safety concerns the playground is being moved to the rear of the building. At Griffith, the gym area will be tuck-pointed and interior lighting will be upgraded. North will also see a lighting upgrade. Wilson said the upgrade has already been completed at Veale. At the High School/Jr. High complex the plans include the replacement of the gym floor and the installation of ADA compliant bleachers on the lower level.
In personnel matters, the Board approved hiring Donna Strickland as an aide at Griffith, and approved Carol Roark as a long-term sub at the high school to fill in for a medical leave. The Board also accepted over $7,000 in donations to several activities at WHS including the Choir, Art Club, Hatchets Helping Hatchets, and the Weight Room upgrade. The Board also thanked the winner of the Band Booster’s automobile raffle. The anonymous winner returned the cash value of the automobile to the WHS Band program.