The public is invited to cut certain downed trees at Lincoln State Park for firewood. Trees eligible for firewood have fallen as a result of natural causes or have been dropped by property staff. They are located along roadsides or in public areas such as campsites and picnic areas. Permit sales begin Jan. 2 and end Feb. 28. The cost of one pickup-truck load is $10. All proceeds will be used for resource management and restoration efforts, including replacement of trees in campgrounds and other public areas. You have to get a firewood permit at the park office between 8:30 a.m. and 4 p.m. CST, Monday through Friday. Permits are not available on observed state holidays. Park staff will provide permit buyers a map with areas where trees are down for cutting. Wood may be cut and removed between 8 a.m. and 4 p.m. CST daily. For more information, call (812) 937-4710.
The Daviess County CEO class is hosting a night for young entrepreneurs. The class is made up of students from all four high schools in Daviess County and engages those students with real world experience by talking to and visiting with people about their business or industry. Student Lauren Andis tells us a little more…
Cullen is a nationally known magician. Tickets for the event can be bought from a student or contact Bill Turner at Washington High School. Tickets are $35 in advance and $40 at the door. It will be at the Westgate Crane Facility on January 16th. Doors open at 6. Money from the event goes to fund the class.
The DNR Division of Fish & Wildlife has landed funding they say will contribute to a new grassland and pollinator habitat development program. It’s designed to benefit private landowners. The “Grasslands for Gamebirds & Songbirds” initiative, called GGS for short, will employ three full-time “grassland biologists” . They will provide technical and financial assistance to private landowners hoping to improve their properties to benefit species such as bobwhite quail, and the ring-necked pheasant to name just two. The Indiana DNR was selected for the funding through the Regional Conservation Partnership Program (RCPP), which is administered by the Natural Resource Conservation Service. Once implemented, it will total $1 million. The total budget of the GGS initiative is $1.83 million. The other funding for the initiative has been contributed from the initiative’s 33 partners. Indiana State Conservationist Jane Hardisty says landowners will receive assistance to install practices such as native grasses, pollinators, prescribed burns, tree plantings and invasive species control that will increase declining bird populations. If you are a landowner interested in participating in the GGS initiative, or want more information, contact Josh Griffin, private lands program manager with DNR Fish & Wildlife, at (317) 234-9737 or jgriffin@dnr.IN.gov.