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County Charges Three for Possession

-The Daviess County Sheriff’s Department made three drug related arrests yesterday.  56-year-old Richard Greene, 51-year-old Julie Golliver, 41-year-old Denitra Simpkins all of Washington are charged with Possession of Marijuana and Paraphernalia and Maintaining a Common Nuisance.  Greene is also charged with Possession of Meth.    All were jailed on $2500 bond each.


-Indiana State Police arrested 30-year-old Christopher Ness of Evansville in Daviess County Thursday.  He was jailed for 3 counts of Operating While Intoxicated. He’s charged with OWI with a Controlled Substance and with Marijuana and with Endangerment.  He’s also charged with Possession of Paraphernalia and Maintaining a Common Nuisance.  No bond was set.  State Police report they stopped a 2010 Dodge Caliber going 80mph on I69 at the 61 mile marker.  The trooper saw alleged signs of impairment and Ness failed a field sobriety test.  A vehicle search turned up a book modified to conceal illegal drugs.

-Washington Police charged 22-year-old Nathaniel Robinson of Washington with Possession of a Controlled Substance, Paraphernalia and a Hypodermic Syringe.  He was booked into the Security Center Thursday without bond.

-City Officers charged 23-year-old Christian Davis with Theft Thursday.  Bond was set at $2000.

-28-year-old Benjamin Wagler of Washington was booked into the security center for Residential Entry and Public Intoxication.  Bond was posted.  It’s believed the arrest was the result of a call to police at just before 8-am Thursday from a Washington resident saying they woke up to find an unknown man passed out on their couch.

-There were no injuries when a vehicle and a school bus collided at Highway 57 and Van Trees Street in Washington. That happened at 3:30 on Thursday afternoon.

-A motorist ran into the bushes outside the cafeteria at Daviess Community Hospital yesterday evening about 6:20. There were no injuries.


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