-A caller told Washington Police about 2 yesterday that she was awakened from a nap hearing someone downstairs at her residence at 821 Greenwood. The caller said she found a woman in her living room talking on a cell phone. Upon investigation, 48-year-old Trudy Godfrey of Washington was arrested for Residential Entry and booked into the security center without bond.
-35-year-old Cedric Thompson of Washington was jailed yesterday on a Knox County warrant for Driving While Suspended. Thompson was arrested at the Sherriff’s Department in Washington while there on a separate matter.
-An arrest warrant was served on 22-year-old Jesus-Rivera-Laviena yesterday for Intimidation, Residential Entry and Criminal Mischief. Bond was posted.
-Amy Shutz of Otwell, 44 was arrested on a Failure to Appear warrant. Bond was set at $2500.
-Jessica Cheshire of Washington was booked in on a warrant for Petition to Revoke a Suspended Sentence. Bond was posted.
-45-year-old Rodney Dant of Washington was arrested by the Sherriff’s Department for Operating While Intoxicated with a Prior. No bond was set.
-Ambulances were sent to a Plainville residence where a man was said to be stuck under a van. Air Evac was dispatched to the hospital concerning the incident. That incident was reported at 7:16 last night. No other information was made available.