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Special Session will only last a day according to the House Speaker

(NETWORK INDIANA)  House Speaker Brian Bosma says he’ll seek to wrap up the upcoming special session in a single day.

Bosma says legislators will limit the agenda to “critical” issues where they’d agreed on what to do, but ran out of time to vote before a midnight deadline. Governor Holcomb has asked legislators to confine themselves to increased school safety funding, an emergency loan to the Muncie Community Schools, and adjustments to Indiana’s tax code to bring it in line with federal tax changes.

Bosma says there’s no reason that should take more than a day. He says majority Republicans will make public the final texts of bills in advance, so legislators and voters already know the contents before the session officially convenes.

Even a one-day special session will cost the state 30-thousand dollars. Democrats have

challenged Bosma and Senate President Pro Tem David Long (R-Fort Wayne) to donate same. Both say they will. Bosma fired back with a dare of his own, challenging House Minority Leader Terry Goodin to match his 15-hundred-dollar donation — the equivalent of 10 days of special-session pay.

At least 19 legislators have said they plan to donate their pay, including all four caucus leaders.

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