Just a few days left to pay your property taxes.
Daviess County Treasurer Elaine Wellman reminds you the first installment of taxes is due May 10th. That’s next Thursday.
If you’ve not received a statement call her office at 812-254-8677.
Taxes can be paid in person at the Treasurer’s Office at the courthouse Monday through Friday 8 to 4. Special Saturday hours will be this Saturday May 5th from 8 to noon. Credit card payments can be made online at www.govtechtaxpro.com or by calling 1-844-678-1656. There is a user fee applied when using a credit card. Don’t forget the courthouse will be closed for election day on Tuesday the 8th so you won’t be able to make in person payments then.
If you pay by mail enclose a self addressed stamped envelope if you want a receipt mailed back. Payments that are mailed need to be postmarked May 10th or they are late. If you mail on May 10th it may not be postmarked until the next day. If they are not postmarked on the 10th they are considered late and subject to a penalty.
The Daviess County Clerk’s office will be open Saturday 8 to 3 for early voting. If you can’t vote election day you can vote today at the clerk’s office until 4, tomorrow, Saturday from 8 to 3 and on Monday from 8 to Noon. The primary election is Tuesday with polls open from 6 to 6.