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Multiple injuries in two vehicle crash

Accident reports say several people, most children were injured in a two vehicle crash at US 50 and and 150-West at just before 7-pm Saturday night.  A 2005 Jeep driven 30-year-old Nicholas Ross of Washington was northbound on 150 while, 42-year-old Andrea Gilley was east on 50 in a 2005 Honda Odyssey.  A crash occurred at the intersection.  Reports say two Southwest Medical ambulance took several  people to Good Samaritan Hospital in Vincennes. Most of them were kids age 1 to 18.  None of the injuries appeared to be life threatening..

-Police worked a two vehicle accident Saturday at Northeast 5th and East Main.  There were no injuries.

-One person was taken to the hospital following an accident on 57 between Main and South Streets reported at 7:08-pm Saturday night.

In other police reports…

 -Police are investigating a vehicle break in that was reported at 3-pm Sunday.  A resident on Southeast 6th said sometime the night before their vehicle was burglarized and a $300 pair of prescription sunglasses and an ashtray were stolen.

-A resident at Sundale Trailer Court reported a weed eater stolen from a porch. That was reported Saturday morning.

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