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Seven jailed for various offenses Tuesday and early Wednesday

-32-year-old Axel Poselwait of Petersburg was jailed in Daviess County Tuesday for Failure to Appear for Possession of Marijuana.  Bond was posted.
A Knox County woman was arrested on several charges Tuesday.  34-year-old Chiffonne Puckett of Bruceville was wanted on a warrant for Failure to Appear, and she was charged with Possession of Marijuana, and Paraphernalia and Trafficking with an Inmate.
-Washington Police arrested a Plainville man for Dissemination of Matter Harmful to a Minor.  22-year-old Kevin Acevedo has posted bond.
-22-year-old Jacob Barr of Petersburg was picked up by the Sheriff’s Department for a Petition to Revoke a Suspended Sentence.
-33-year-old Erica Myers of Washington was jailed for Possession of Meth and Marijuana and Paraphernalia.  Bond was posted.
-Washington Police charged 58-year-old Michael Goodman of Washington with Domestic Battery and Criminal Confinement.  He was arrested at 7:30 last night.  Police were called to investigate an incident at a West Walnut Street address.
-Overnight, 24-year-old Mason Bynum of Washington was charged with Battery Resulting in Bodily Injury. No bond was set.  At 2 this morning, Washington officers were called to investigate a domestic at a different West Walnut address where Bynum was taken into custody on the charges.

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