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County Council approves Airport Manager salary increase

The Daviess County Council approved a raise for the County Airport Manager, a cut in hours for a nurse educator in the health department, and certified compliance with tax abatement requirements for eight local businesses at Wednesday’s meeting.

County Airport Board members Ray Crawford and Matt Meredith requested the Council’s approval of raising the airport manager’s salary from $37,448 to $$52,500.  Crawford said the raise puts the local manager’s salary comprbile to other area airports of similar size.  Meredith said the Airport Board is looking to be proactive and provide better service.   The money for the raise will come from money in the Aviation Board accounts, but still needs Council approval.    The Council also approved Airport Manager Eric Seber’s (pronounced SEE-bur) request to permit the allocation of $35,000 in Aviation funds to Seal cracks and re-paint markings on the runway.  Sever told the Council that INDOT had recently found the runway markings too faded and declared them non-compliant with aviation guidelines. Tge Council approved both requests.

The Council also approved a request from County Health Nurse Kathy Sullender to cut the hours of the County Nurse Educator from 35 to 30 hours per week for a six month period.  Sullender said this was at her request.

In other business the Council examined the reports of eight county businesses and found all of them in compliance with the requirements of their respective tax abatement.  The businesses were One Way Technologies, Apexx, Bush Commercial Properties, D.A.-EG&G, Daviess County One, IMPA, MacAllisters, and Maysville Enterprises.

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