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Paving company apologizes to the city

          Monday, Washington City Council Meeting opened with a hat-in-hand apology from officials of E&B paving.  Todd Hoops and Clayton Dilts apologized to the Council members that their company had not been working on Washington’s streets like they were supposed to.  E&B was awarded the contract to pave the City’s streets and take care of damage from this winter last month but had shuffled Washington down in their schedule.   Washington Mayor Joe Wellman said he had made several calls to the company to get them on the job.  The Mayor, who was obviously unhappy with the delay in getting the City streets repaired, was diplomatic in his comments 

   The Mayor said work on projects requiring the rebuilding of sections of roads should be done in three weeks.

-The Washington City Council has  approved a resolution declaring the NASCO property to be an Economic Revitalization Area.  That designation begins the process to allow for tax abatement on NASCO’s planned additions to the industry’s site.  

 –In other matters, the council suspended the rules and approved an ordinance replatting an area of the Gateway Crossing Subdivision to allow the construction of a Huck’s Station.  Dirt work will begin this summer, with construction is planned for next spring.   The Council also approved an ordinance rezoning an area of South Street from residential to Commercial.  

  –After the city council  meeting the Mayor said the City is looking to replace a police officer 


-The Washington Board of Works met after the Council meeting.  On the recommendation of Waste Water Department Head Scott Raney he Council approved a $412,500  bid for a new Combination Sewer Cleaning truck.  Raney said while the bid was the highest of the four, it was the only bid that met all required specifications.   The Board also approved a bid from Lane Company of $99,500 for gravel walled well and pump in the City’s well field.  The bid was the only one submitted.



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