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Officials in Odon Wanting to Upgrade Town’s Water Utility

Officials in Odon are wrestling with ways to upgrade the town’s water utility.

According to a story in yesterday’s  Odon Journal,  upgrades proposed by  Midwestern Engineers will cost the town approximately 8.2 million dollars: 3.9 million to upgrade the drinking water system and another 4.3 million to solve the town’s flooding issues. When questioned by councilman Vernon Graber about the ultimate cost to utility customers, a representative of Midwestern said it would vary.  The average rate mentioned in the Journal story was $45 per month and the city hopes grants and other funding options can keep rates from going above $45.  Southern Indiana Development Corporation addressed the board about the possibility of grants and loans help pay the costs of the projects.  
Specifics of the work include replacement of water mains in selected areas, replacing valves and hydrants where needed, and installing a constant pressure booster station.  Drilling a new well was also suggested.  
To help with the flooding problem Midwestern recommended building a detention basin and adding a storm sewer network in at least two areas of the town.  The Journal story concluded saying the storm water project may have to be partially financed by the passage of a new town-wide storm water tax levy.  

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