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Daviess County Courthouse open Saturday for voters and taxpayers


        Two offices in the Daviess County Courthouse are open special hours this Saturday.

        The Treasurer’s office is open 8 to Noon for property owners to pay their fall installment of property taxes.  Treasurer Elaine Wellman says to use the east or side door of the courthouse.  Remember the deadline to pay fall taxes is Tuesday November 13th.   Payments that are mailed and not postmarked by the 13th will incur a penalty.  Keep in mind the courthouse will be closed next Tuesday November 6th for election day and November 12th in observance of Veteran’s Day.

        The Daviess County Clerk’s Office is open 8 to 3 Saturday for early voting.   Those wanting or needing to vote before election day can do so today in the Clerk’s office through 4, tomorrow 8 to 4, Saturday 8 to 3 or Monday 8 to Noon.

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