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Sheriff races highlight Pike, Knox and Martin County ballots


          There are a handful of contested races on the Pike County ballot today.

          The most watched on is likely that of Sheriff where Current Chief Deputy Kent Johnson, a Democrat is facing Republican Frank Coleman Jr.  Colemen is a former state trooper and served as Petersburg Mayor at one time.  The winner will be succeeding Sheriff Jeremy Britton who can’t run again due to term limits.

          Also on the Pike County Ballot, Republican Mark Flint is running for re-election for his District 2 County Commissioner Seat.  He is challenged by Democrat Heath Scraper.

          For County Council District 1, Republican Incumbent Randy Harris is challenged by Democrat Daren Cook.

          For Count Auditor, Republican Judy Wood Gumbel faces Democrat Jody Hoover.

          For Pike County Recorder, Republican Jeff Harting faces Democrat Lida Robinson.

          There is one contested school board race.  District 2 Board Member David Waltz is challenged by Forrest Manning.

          Much of Pike County falls in District 63 for the Indiana House.  Pike County voters are also choosing Republican Incumbent Shane Lindauer or Democrat Joe Lannan for that seat.  Part of Pike County also falls in District 75 where Republican Ron Bacon is running for re-election against Democrat John Hurley.



            Knox County voters have a lot of activity on their General Election Ballot today.

            There will be a new Sheriff in town as current sheriff Mike Morris is not running due to term limits and after today will be the Knox County Auditor-Elect and take that office in January.

            The candidates for Sheriff of Knox County are Democrat Brian Hagen and Republican Doug Vantlin.

            Knox County Commissioner President Kelly Streeter, a Republican is challenged by Democrat Stacy Allen.  This is Streeter’s first election. She was appointed by county republicans two years finish out the late Rowe Sargent’s term who passed away in office.

            For Knox County Council District 1 the candidates are Democrat Dan Reitmeyer and Republican incumbent Randy Crismore.

            For Knox County Council District 2, Democrat Sherm Jenne is challenging Republican and current council President Bob Lechner.

            Knox County Council District 3 will have a new face after today’s election. Current council member Nicole Like is not running again. Democrat Ray McCormick and Republican Jay Yochum are vying for that position.

            For Knox County Council District 4,  Democrat Dan Sheperd is challenging the Republican incumbent, Jim Beery.

            One local school board race is happening in Knox as North Knox Incumbent Jim Franklin in District D is challenged by Jared Saucerman.

            Also some Knox County voters are voting in the State Representative in District 45. Republican Bruce Borders, is challenged by Democrat Jim Exline.




        Looking at the Martin County races…

        For County Sherriff, current Sheriff Travis Rousch, a Republican is challenged by Democrat T.A. “Andy” Burkhardt.

        For County Commissioner District 1, Republican Dean Crandall and Democrat Randy Wininger are on the ballot.

        For County Council District 4 the candidates are Republican Sheri Bowling and Democrat Floyd “Lonnie” Hawkins.

        For Crane Town Council Republicans Ronald Barker, David Johnson and Roy Vaught are running along with Democrats Bernard Butcher, Judith Harlow and Dennis Hughes.   Voters choose 3 of the six

        For Shoals Town Council, Republicans Cary Albright, Earl Boyd Jr. and Clint Hoffman are running as are Democrats Dick Cresgy and Cecil Ragsdale.  Again here, the top 3 vote getters will take office.

        For Loogootee School Board District 1 Scott Hall and Nick Toy are facing off.  For District 3 of the Loogootee School Board the candidates are Debra Jo Neideffer, Chad Wade and Mary Walton.




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