A significant amount of money has been discovered missing or unaccounted from the Barr-Reeve Band Booster account.
In a letter dated October 30th to parents of band students signed by Barr Reeve School Superintendent Travis Madison and Band Director Stephanie O’Brien, it is stressed that no school personnel is in a leadership position within the booster club and the booster account is set up outside of the school corporation’s control, guidance and oversight. However, band trips paid from the account are approved by the school corporation.
Superintendent Madison told WAMW they are still trying to determine how much money is missing…
It was enough money according to Madison’s letter, to cancel this year’s scheduled school band trip to Orlando, Florida. The trip only comes around every 4 years giving every band member at least one chance to go to Florida.
The treasurer on the account has been removed and vital information and checks are no longer in their possession.
We asked Madison where the investigation stands from a law enforcement level..
Madison says they will work with the judge to determine a punishment and plan of restitution but that could take two to three months.