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257 Closed for high water

           State Road 257 at the Davies/Pike County Line is closed due to high water.
          Flood warnings do continue for area rivers.
            Two recent rainfalls in combination with melted snow has brought widespread flooding to central and southern Indiana.  Rainfallover the past 7 days, ending 7 AM Thursday, has amounted to 2 to 3inches across most of the southern half of Indiana.  This is 1 to 2inches above normal.             The White River crested at Muncie and Anderson Thursday.  It will crest from Nora to Centerton 2 feet or less above flood stageby Saturday. Elliston will crest about 4.3 feet above floodstage Friday evening and Edwardsport nearly four feet aboveflood Saturday night. Crests at Petersburg and Hazleton willreach about 5 feet above flood early next week.
            The East Fork White River at Seymour was at crest as of 8:30 PM EST Thursday with a stage of 16.8 feet, almost 5 feet aboveflood stage.  Columbus will crest overnight. The crest will reachRivervale and Williams Sunday.  Shoals should see the East Fork White fluctuate below flood stage between 15.5 and 17.5 feet through midday Tuesday.
          The Wabash at Vincennes is rising but has not reach flood stage.  It will be mid next week before it crests at over 17.5 feet which is just 1.5 feet above flood stage at Vincennes.
          Numerous creeks and streams are flooded in the region, some river roads are also covered with moving water.  Do not drive through flooded roads.  Again State Road 257 at the Daviess/Pike County line is closed due to flooding.

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