(NETWORK INDIANA) Governor Holcomb isn’t saying no to a cigarette tax hike — but he’s a long way from saying yes.
A coalition of health and business groups has been lobbying to triple the cigarette tax to three dollars a pack. They argue it would cut health costs and reduce infant mortality. Holcomb has downplayed the idea, saying it’s not something he’s pursuing. Budget director Jason Dudich went further this week, telling a House committee Holcomb doesn’t support it.
Holcomb says that was “a little loose” — he says he’s open-minded about the tax and is monitoring the discussion. He says he’ll engage with legislators on the issue if it appears to have any traction in the House or Senate. But he says so far, there’s no indication that’s happening.
Holcomb says he understands supporters’ health concerns, but says he’s focusing on his own health initiatives, including an effort to put on-site health clinics in state government workplaces.
The House has three-and-a-half weeks left to approve bills in committee. So far, the tax hike hasn’t been scheduled for a hearing, although legislators will take up a separate bill next week to tax the e-liquids used in vaping, at a nickel per milliliter.