A Loogootee woman has surrendered possession and all rights to animals that were in her care to the Martin County Humane Society.
73-year-old Julia K. Arney has been charged with Animal Neglect and Animal Cruelty.
She was arrested after police investigated a complaint Thursday of a possible puppy mill at a residence 2779 Rutherford Road in Loogootee. Martin County Officers and the County Animal Control Officer went to the home and heard dogs barking from several outside structures and saw dogs looking outside the windows of the home. The home was approached and dogs were observed running around inside and one was dead on the floor.
A search warrant was obtained and served and officers found dogs in feces covered cages with no food or water and some were deceased. Horses, mules and donkeys were also on the property. They also were allegedly neglected. 30 dogs were rescued in the incident while several other dozen animals remain on the property.
The investigation is continuing.