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House passes bill creating public safety scholarship



The Indiana House of Representatives voted in favor of legislation co-authored by State Rep. Shane Lindauer (R-Jasper) that would establish a scholarship for public safety officers.

The Ivy Tech Public Safety Scholarship would provide tuition to public safety officers for any certificate or associate degree program offered at Ivy Tech Community College for up to two academic years. With this scholarship, higher education and training would be available to help officers further their careers.

“This scholarship would offer public safety officers the opportunity to move forward in their education while remaining in the workforce or volunteering for their community,” Lindauer said. “Volunteer firefighters would be the first group eligible to receive the scholarship, which is especially important to help rural towns attract and retain those needed to run volunteer departments.”

Lindauer said the scholarship would help attract recruits to rural volunteer fire departments and supply them with resources to support their work in Indiana.  After July 2021, the scholarship would be open to all paid public safety officers, including law enforcement, firefighters and EMTs.

House Bill 1064 now moves to the Senate for further consideration. Visit to learn more. Visit to learn more.



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