US Senator Mike Braun of Jasper was on Bloomberg TV Thursday. He talked about his support of eliminating pensions for Congress, including his own, of which he opted out of…
Braun’s proposal provides for an alternative similar to a 401k, which many more people have now than pensions.
He said he believes most people would be appalled to learn Nancy Pelosi (speaker of the House) would get a $100,000 per year pension if she retired today. Braun says when it comes to any perc or pay advantage, the framers never intended it that way.
Braun also said he supports an emergency declaration to help fund the border wall. He said government shutdowns need to stop as he can’t support what he called our dysfunctional system of out-of-control government spending through a broken process. He says it would never work in the private sector and it doesn’t work in the nation’s capitol. He says legislation did not sufficiently address the humanitarian and security crisis on our southern border and left President Trump with no other option than to declare a national emergency, which again, Braun says he supports.