Today, Lt. Governor Suzanne Crouch and the Indiana Office of Community and Rural Affairs joined officials from the Knox County Development Corporation and Vincennes to announce the designation of Indiana Site Certified Gold to the U. S. 41 Industrial Park.
“Businesses are encouraged to utilize this prime location to grow their industries, and keep Indiana’s economy thriving,” said Crouch. “I commend the Knox County Development Corporation and the local leaders of the community on their work becoming certified gold shovel ready.”
The 63 acre site is located in Vincennes, which is central in Knox County and is key in demonstrating the park’s logistical advantages. The county has invested millions of dollars in recent years installing the infrastructure needed to cater to future endeavors.
“Knox County has been fortunate to experience a steady growth in our combined industrial parks which make up approximately 9.8 percent of Knox County’s workforce and more than $73 million in annual payroll,” said Kent Utt, President of the Knox County Development Corporation. “This additional 63-acres provide us with over 210 acres of shovel ready acreage available for future growth.”
Utt said that Knox County also has a supportive community of private and public leaders who understand the value in economic growth and development.
“Knox County government is pleased to continue our strong partnership with the City of Vincennes and KCDC which positions us for economic development success.” said Kellie Streeter, President of the Knox County Commissioners. “We recently retired a bond early that provided the funding for the acreage for local employers like Futaba, Farbest Foods and MacAllister Rentals located in our Knox County U.S. 41 Industrial park.”
The Indiana Site Certified program validates sites that are ready for economic development. The program is administered by OCRA in partnership with the state’s Fast Access Site Team, which is comprised of multiple state agencies. These agencies include the Indiana Department of Transportation, Indiana Department of Environmental Management, Indiana Department of Natural Resources and the Indiana Economic Development Corporation.