For the sectional this year, the Washington Police Department intends to maintain proper parking order for the public’s safety.
At this time, the Police Department requests that the Schools advise their Student Body of the importance of proper parking. It is also requested that the media in the various cities participating caution the adult drivers to observe parking regulations.
Some of the main violations are as follows:
a) Parking on painted yellow lines either near fire hydrants or intersections.
b) Parking in violation of posted warning signs.
c) Parking across or on sidewalks.
d) Parking between street barricades obviously designating no parking zones.
e) Parking in alleys
f) Blocking driveways or entrances to parking lots.
g) Parking in posted fire lanes.
(Additional parking is available at the North Elementary School parking lot-north on 6th Street)
The School Administration has also authorized the Police Department to strictly enforce all parking regulations pertaining to the school property.
Announcement of violators WILL NOT be made during the games. After the games, if you cannot locate your vehicle, call the Washington Police Department at 254-4410 describing your vehicle or license plate number and the operator on duty will advise you which towing service has your vehicle. Thank you.
Todd Church
Chief of Police
Washington Police Department