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State of the City address


          The state of the city of Washington is excellent. That’s how Washington Mayor Joe Wellman started out his State of the City Message to the City Council and all those in attendance at last night’s city council meeting..

          The mayor then recapped stats and activities of all of the city’s departments in 2018.   Two projects that took up a lot of Wellman’s attention last year he said were the 15th Street Bridge Project and East National Highway.  It was a year ago when the Mayor said the bridge project would start in a month, it did and was dedicated last December.  In recent weeks it’s been announced that an agreement was made with the state to get National Highway and the infrastructure under it upgraded and rebuilt with the addition of sidewalks and curbs.  Wellman says that was a goal of the past year and the majority of the project now will be seen to fruition by a new administration starting next year…

         The Mayor had asked people to bring food donations for Feed My Sheep and the animal shelter and pointed out the stack of items brought to the meeting.  He used it as an illustration of how working together can accomplish all that he mentioned in his address and more…

   You can hear the Mayor’s State of the City Speech here.

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