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Arrest warrants served for Domestic Battery and Possession of Meth

-A Dubois County woman was jailed on a arrant yesterday in Washington.  The Daviess County Sheriff’s Department arrested 36-year-old Stephanie S. Neukam of Birdseye.  She was wanted for Residential Entry, Criminal Trespass and Domestic Battery.  Bond was posted.
-52-year-old Eric L. Cresgy was arrested by the Sheriff’s Department on warrants for Possession of Meth and Marijuana.  Bond was posted.
-Fire and police units responded to a turkey trailer with its brakes on fire at 2:11 this morning on 57 and Viola Avenue in Washington. 
-No one was injured when a vehicle flipped on its side yesterday.  The incident was reported at 4:24-pm from 650-East and 200-south.  The motorist was not injured.
-A vehicle struck a concrete post in front of a residence on McCormick Avenue.  The property owner did not know when the crash occurred.  The concrete barrier on the sidewalk was broken.
-Police investigated a fight reported on East South Street.  Officers responded to the call at 7:12-pm last night.   A person indicated they had been jumped by two people.

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