The Washington City Council took its final step in setting up the National Highway Project. The Council voted to declare the old highway a TIF project, which allows economic development funds to be used for the paving part of the project. The Washington Redevelopment Commission must still take official action, but with Monday night’s action, all the City’s blocks are in place. $200 to $300 thousand dollars in Tax Increment Finance monies will be used.
In other action, the Council gave final approval to an ordinance vacating an undeveloped section of road west of West Sixteenth Street. The undeveloped section was platted in the 1890s and is too small to meet today’s road standards. The Council also heard the introduction of an ordinance allowing the use of surplus bond funds for improvements at the Sanitation Department.
At the end of the meeting the Council heard a presentation by Andy Myszak of Myszak and Palmer seeking Council support for a potential workforce housing project. The Council had several questions about the project and asked Myszak to bring more detailed information to the next Council meeting.