The Washington School Board had good news for Washington’s students. Next school year will be a week shorter. Washington’s Superintendent, Dr. Dan Roach explains the successful E-Learning trial this spring allowed the school system to make the change.
Roach said the last day of school for the 2019-2020 school year will May 21, and Graduation Ceremonies will be on May 23.
The Washington Community School Board heard also from high school teacher Barb Knepp. She reported on the Hatchets Helping Hatchets program. Last night, Knepp told the school board that in the last two years, Hatchets Helping Hatchets has assisted approximately 300 disadvantaged students with clothing, school supplies, and personal hygiene items. Knepp also said Hatchets Helping Hatchets offers students one-on-one tutoring. This year the program moved into the junior high school, and has assisted some elementary level students. Knepp said the generous donations from the Community were important to the program’s success.
In other business, the Board accepted the resignation of high school agriculture teacher Sebastian Overman, and approved hiring high school math teacher Charles Aldeman, junior high math teacher Anna Mandy, and elementary teachers Jamee McMurray, Sydni Stoll, Lydia Hancock, Lauren Luff, and Isabella Simone.