A four year old Pike County boy is doing well following a heart transplant on Wednesday.
River Harbin of Otwell was born in March 2015 to Zach and Brittany Harbin. He was diagnosed with Cardiomyopathy, a heart condition. He was given only an 18% chance of survival. He’s described as a fighter ever since he was taken to Riley Hospital in Indianapolis shortly after birth. At 7 days old he was immediately put on a heart transplant list and had his first open heart surgery. At six weeks old he was doing well and went home and was treated through outpatient care and medications.
Things deteriorated and he went into the hospital in December last year and has undergone 2 open heart and 4 brain surgeries. He’s suffered brain bleed, kidney failure and several instances where his lungs collapsed. He spent the 2018 Christmas season and his 4th birthday this past March in the hospital. He was put back on the 1A transplant list and was not leaving until he got a new heart. That came on Wednesday after a 98 day wait when a successful transplant operation took place. Just yesterday he was sitting up and talking.
A Facebook message from his River Harbin Prayer Warriors page told us that over the entire ordeal since birth, River has continued to shock his doctors with his will to survive.
Fundraisers are currently happening online for him and his family to help with the medical expenses. You can donate via a pay-pal account by going to www.paypal.me/RiversPrayerWarriors.
Coming up on July 19th there will be a fundraiser in Winslow which will include lots of activities including live music and a Softball Tourney.
To learn more about River go to the Rivers Prayer Warriors Facebook Page.