It will now be illegal for sex offenders of violent sexual offenders to work at daycare centers or live within 1,000 feet of a daycare center, under a new law that goes into effect today. Several of the laws passed by the general assembly this year, and that go into effect today, involve restrictions on convicted sexual predators.
They are also not allowed to work as baby sitters.
Another new law makes it mandatory for Indiana high school students to take the U.S. naturalization test, the same test given to people who are trying to become U.S. citizens. The test is part of a government course.
If you are in prison wrongfully, you may be eligible to receive $50,000 for each year in prison, to pay you for your troubles.
Animals abusers could now face felony charges in some cases. Up to now, animal abuse only carried misdemeanor charges and penalties.
Revenge porn is now a crime. Indiana is the 13th state to make it a crime to share intimate photos of someone without their knowledge. It’s a misdemeanor and could land you in jail for up to a year.
The head of the Indiana Dept. of Education will be appointed, and not elected, starting in 2021, under a law that goes into effect today.
The state will also open three additional addiction recovery centers.