-A Washington Police investigate led to the arrest of 22-year-old Nathan P. Morgan of Washington on Saturday. He was charged with Battery Resulting in Minor Bodily Injury. NO bond was set.
-22-year-old Jose Sandoval of Washington was jailed Saturday for Battery Resulting in Serious Bodily Injury and Strangulation. No bond was set. The arrest was made by Washington Police.
-The Daviess County Sheriff’s Department arrested 48-year-old Neal A. Samples of Indianapolis on Saturday. He was wanted on a warrant for Domestic Battery. Bond was set at 42000.
-A car was reported to have flipped into a ditch Saturday. That was reported at 10:01am on Saturday at Troy Road.
-There was a car/deer crash Saturday reported at 5:27-am on 75 East.
-State Road 57 at 700-south was shut down for a time on Saturday after an SUV collided with a tractor and a disc. That was reported at 2:43-pm. The driver of the SUV was reported to have suffered a bump on the head.
-A vehicle hit a pole on Memorial Avenue in Washington. That was reported at just before 6-pm on Saturday.