8th District Congressman Larry Buschon was in Washington to hold a town hall meeting in the Washington High School Auditorium Thursday. Questions submitted to the Congressman ranged through recent concerns such as mass shootings, climate change, trade, robot calls, and several others. When discussing the mass shootings and proposed red flag laws that would remove guns from individuals identified as dangerous, Bucshon noted that red flag laws don’t work if data bases are incomplete….
Congressman Bucshon commented last night about waivers from ethanol standards which the current administration is granting some fuel producers which has been hurting grain farmers…
When asked about racism and white nationalism, Bucshon strongly emphasized that any form of discrimination was innately wrong. He added that that the future is still positive given the political division of the nation…
At the end of the town hall, Congressman Bucshon complimented the local crown for the civility of the exchange of ideas, especially when there was a difference of opinion.
8th District Congressman Larry Buschon was in Washington to hold a town hall meeting in the WHS Auditorium. Questions submitted to the Congressman ranged through recent concerns such as mass shootings, climate change, trade, robot calls, and several others.
When asked about waivers from ethanol standards the current administration is granting some fuel, producers, hurting grain farmers, the Congressman said he believed the number of waiver has probably gone too far
<<Bucshon on Erhanol Waiver. 16 sec. out cue. “Their justification for this”
When asked about racism and white nationalism, Bucshon strongly emphasized that any form of discrimination was innately wrong.
But in the cuurent atmosphere of political division, Bucshon said he was optimistic about the future of the United States.
<<Bucshon is Optimistic. 10 sec. out cue. “Optimistic about the future”
At the end of the townhall, Congressman Bucshon complimented the local crown for the civility of the exchange of ideas, especially when there was a difference of opinion.