The Daviess County Commissioners voted to officially close County Road 350 N along the north edge of the Daviess County Airport. The closure means the Airport Board can now go ahead with plans to lengthen the runway accommodating larger planes and enhancing the area economy. Concerns of neighboring farmers and the REMC were addressed by the Airport Board in the time since a public hearing on the road closure. There was no opposition at Tueday’s meeting. The actual closure of the roadway is set for Dec.31.
The Commissioners also heard that the stone-ply installation on the new Government Center is running on schedule. Work on the interior of the building continues at a standstill due to legal questions surrounding the dismissal of Jasper Lumber as the project’s general contractor. Commissioner President Nathan Gabhart said he was eager to get the interior work restarted by the end of the month. He says he wants a September 30th deadline to get other contractors working in the building.
In other business the Commissioners appointed Steve Halter to the Advisory Plan Commission. Halter fills the position left open by the resignation of Mark Cornelius.
At the beginning of Tuesday’s Daviess County Commissioner’s meeting, David Bottoroff, Director of the Association of Indiana Counties, and Anniria Maillho, with S.R.I., announced the Association’s annual scholarship, sponsored by SRI, has been awarded to Ashley Gabhart, the daughter of Commissioner Nathan Gabhart and his wife,Beth. Ashley is currently enrolled at the University of Cincinnati.